Callahan Press
The Callahan Press has been a warm memory in our hearts.
The time has come to take it off the shelf and bring it back to our lives. But this time…online.
Family happiness is homemade.
Welcome back everyone!
When the family gave Grandma Amy a memory typewriter, who knew she would give it all and them some back to us. Over the course of pandemic, Zooming became common on Thursday nights for Tom and his family. Reviving the family newsletter was discussed, and here we are.
So just like in the old days, please share your updates with us! We will present the information similar to blogs and as a magazine layout. No expertise exists in the worker elf web design room, but nothing a little glue and paint can’t fix.
Popular Columns
These were the steadfast columns we enjoyed in the original print version, and we hope to keep them alive online as well.
Memories and Family Fun
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Sports and Voices of the Family
Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubili
Thoughts and Day by Day
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Classified Advertising
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A Train Whistle
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What’s Next
This will be a membership only, private site for our family. Everyone will create their own user name and password to stay connected.
The site is family owned, designed, and maintained.
Jan 15, 2021
Volume 500
Please submit your stories for publication of our very first Callahan Press Online by January 15, 2021. I will assemble the paper as stories come in. They will be found in blog format as well as a ‘print’ version.
February, 2021
Volume 502
It’s still so cold. Did you escape for a spell? How are you keeping warm?
April, 2021
Volume 504
Grandma Amy was born and died in April. Please share your favorite stories about her.
May, 2021
Volume 505
Oh this feels too far away to predict. I’m certain though, something magical will happen, and we can’t wait to hear!
June. 2021
Volume 506
June was Grandpa Joe’s birthday. Please share a story of his legacy here.
July, 2021
Volume 507
HOT HOT HOT! Weren’t we just cold little bit ago? How are you spending your summer keeping cool?
Staff Picks
Our extraordinary staff will provide favorite stories from past volumes here.
Below find the four books Grandma Amy wrote and shared with us all.
Climbing my mountain
Amy M Callahan
Joseph B. Callahan: Remembrance
Amy M Callahan
Opening the Door
Amy M Callahan
When We Were Young
compiled by Amy M Callahan
Get Involved
All the website work is done online using Word Press. If you are interested in helping, fire up your mouse!
Also, there are a few expenses every year to maintain the site. Please consider a donation.
This is the style memory typewriter that Grandma Amy wrote all of the Callahan Press newsletters on. Sheesh, and I thought Word Press was sassy! I’ll stop complaining now.
2905 Meadowbrook Road
Middleton, WI 53562
Get Directions
Callahan Press Hours
Mon – Fri : When I’m awake
Sat – Sun : Never before coffee
Contact Us
c (608) 577-5571
text is best
Amy’s email
Future Event Ideas
Monthly Zoom
Annual Family Reunion
Ideas welcome!
Search Tools
by family
by month and year
by story type
Fun Facts
This website template is called “Library”.
The red font in the title “Online” above is called “Satisfy”.